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CXDI-420C Fixed

Digital Detectors

CXDI-420C Fixed brochure

Canon’s New Mounted Type Detector CXDI-420C Fixed

Canon has extensively optimized pursued the operation speed. Short preview time, short cycle time, and full format size improve your radiography throughput.

  • Image Size : 17 x 17 inch
  • Pixel pitch : 125 um
  • Image Preview : 1 seconds*
  • Full exposure cycle time : 4 seconds*

* Depending on acquisition mode.

Product image of CXDI-420C Fixed

High Image Quality

Canon developed a newer generation high performance scintillator which produces higher image quality than ever before. Thin and clean CsI pillar crystals can provide sharper images with both high DQE and MTF value.

  • DQE : 16% improvement
    from prior models @ 0.5 lp/mm
  • MTF : 29% improvement
    from prior models @ 2 lp/mm
Electron micrograph of scintillator. New product's scintillator crystals is very thin and clear.

Built-in AEC* Assistance**

The CXDI Elite series allows for automatically terminated exposures without the use of an additional receptor (ion chamber, solid state paddle, etc.)

  • There are 5 AEC Regions of Interest (ROI) .
  • This FPD can detect the accumulated pixel value corresponding to received X-rays in real time at each AEC ROI and notify the X-ray generator when the pixel value reaches the preset value.

*Automatic Exposure Control

**Option software sold separately and Multibox (MB-02) is also required

Built-in AEC Assistance brochure
AEC reasion of Interest on the CXDI-Elite 420C Fixed

Intelligent NR*

Canon’s original image processing product using a pre-learned model which has been trained by Artificial Intelligence (AI) on noise characteristics in X-ray images in clinical image database.

Learn More
Intelligent Noise Redction image is much clearer and details are are easier to see than conventional noise reduction image.

*Sold separately

Easy streamlined upgrades

CXDI-420C Fixed fits easily into standard 17inch x 17inch Bucky tray without any modification.

Fits easily into standard 17inch x 17inch Bucky tray without any modification.
This unit can be retrofitted into a range of radiography devices, such as upright stands and tables. Streamline your radiographic workflow with the CXDI-420C Fixed.

Quick Ready

It takes only 3 seconds* to be ready, these detectors can be used whenever you want.

*Depending on acquisition mode.

CXDI Control Software NE

Xray image on the CXDI Control Software NE.

CXDI Control Software NE is made exclusively for use with Canon CXDI Wireless Detectors and helps to optimize workflow and reduce steps needed to complete exams.

  • Operates on Windows® 11
  • IHE and DICOM compliant
  • Flexible DICOM® configuration for worklist and export of images
  • Very efficient workflow when exams are codified in the worklist and combined with integrated generator
  • Available touch-screen operation including “pinch to zoom”
  • Scatter Correction feature for non-grid exams (sold separately)
  • Standard image stitching function for up to four images
Learn More

Detector sharing (sharable across systems)

The system can easily be expanded with additional Canon FPD’s.

The system can easily be expanded with additional Canon FPD’s like our premium wireless panel running on the same CXDI Control Software NE platform.

Not only can multiple sensors of various models be added to one control station, the wireless panels can also be shared with other x-ray systems (stationary or mobile).

CXDI-420C Fixed Digital Radiography Systems Specifications

Model Name​ CXDI-420C Fixed
Purpose​ General Radiography
Method​ Flat panel detector: scintillator & amorphous silicon (a-Si)
Scintillator​ Cesium Iodide
Weight (exc. cable) 13.4 lbs. (6.1 kg)
Effective Imaging Area​ 426 x 426 mm
(17 x 17 in)
External Dimensions​ 460 x 460 x 15.3 mm
(18 x 18 x .6 in)
Image Matrix Size 3408 x 3408 pixels
Pixel Size 125 μm
Limiting Resolution 4.0 lp/mm
Grayscale​ A/D: 16 bit
DQE​ Typical 74% (0 lp/mm), 67% (0.5 lp/mm)
MTF​ Typical 45 % (2 lp/mm)
Time for ready 3 second
Preview Image Time​ 1 second
Cycle Time​ 4 seconds​​
Optional Function Compatibility Built-in AEC Assistance†, Intelligent NR, Scatter Correction

■ 0 lp/mm is extrapolated value IEC62220-1-1 2015 (RQA5).

♦ Depending on acquisition mode.

† Exposure termination is controlled by the x-ray generator and this feature requires connection to that system to be implemented by the manufacturer.
In an environment with exceptionally strong radio interference, it may be recommended to use a wired rather than wireless connection. As with any AEC operation, appropriate exposure factors with a reasonable backup time should be set.

† † Specifications subject to change without notice.

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